Friday, June 19, 2009

Twilight - The Rant


I'm not sure how much more of it I can take, everywhere I turn it's 'Twilight this', 'Twilight that', 'Twilight your mom', and 'Twilight Chuck Norris'.How much more of this can the world take? Let's go back to the time before vampires sparkled, before they were completely invincible unless faced with either their own kind or a werewolf, and back when they had the brains to stick to falling in love with their own kind.

Alright, since most of you are probably staring at your computer screen appearing confused, terrified, and maybe even a little sleepy, let me go further into details, or put this into a scenario most of you Twilight fangirls could relate to.

Would you ever fall in love with the chicken salad you eat to stay on your strict diet? No. You'd eat it. You wouldn't die for it, you wouldn't start talking to it, you wouldn't have any emotional attachment to it whatsoever.

Now, the concept of this Edward vampire falling in love with Bella doesn't disturb me so much, what really disturbs me is the fact that this Bella girl won't shut up about him. It's like, throughout the entire book (yes, don't be so surprised, I read the entire book - and saw the movie as well), the only thing she thinks about and talks about is Edward.


Give me a break. Does Stephenie Meyer really think teenage girls become that obsessed with the boys they fall for? And her character development is horrid. Every character is completely one dimensional, they have no boundaries, no limits, no personality, and their actions make no sense whatsoever other than the occasional ('lol becuz i luff him').

Also, where in the world did she get the idea that vampires sparkle? To quote my good friend Devin 'yeah, vampire's sparkle, before they burst into flames and roll around screaming and finally burn up and die a slow and painful death' and I'm just relieved that he agrees with me. Because now, even some boys are falling in love with the book.

I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with people liking this book, I used to like it, but the fans got to me. And I finally had to blow up, and reveal some of the things that make it bad. But most of you majorly obsessed fans refuse to admit that the novel has any faults.

When I tried to confront a girl at my school on the book, she got so mad, because she kept saying 'it's the best book ever' but she had no evidence to back it up.

So people, go ahead, keep reading Twilight, I don't care. But please, remember, there are things in life more important than that disappointing novel.




  2. P.S. you shouldnt go insulting a novel just because of the fan, the movie really did suck but you said you liked the book until the fans, so let say your book turns out to be one of the best books ever and then a crappy movie is made of it and everyone likes it exept people who can accualy think straight then they hate your book just because of the movie, which will have me in it by the way, so dont call it dissapointing until you accually start not liking the book OK

  3. P.S.S. i looked at your favorite movies, and i don't see transformers hmmmmmmmm what do you have to say about that
